Sunday, October 13, 2013

Second Life

I remember when my daughter and husband showed me second life a couple years ago. It looked cool and kinda fun. I never really had much interest in it, but now that I think about it, it really says a lot about us as a society. To really want to spend so much time being some body else, or a shadow of yourself. I believe it is evidence of unhappiness and lack of esteem. I am sure this is true for some but not all users of course. I think it is similar to nearly half of Americans being on antidepressants, or 1 in 10 adults having addiction problems. Many people are looking for an escape, just as in Second Life. Sadly I saw a news article about a married couple who got arrested for neglecting their 3 year old while they played second life. I could see the draw towards this virtual reality, but I am busy with the 5 million other priorities, and could never fathom having time to spend on this site.  

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