Saturday, November 2, 2013


      Singularity is a supposed moment in time when artificial intelligence will have progressed so much that it is to the point of passing human intelligence. Some think that there may come a time that we will no longer be in charge but computers will be. It is true that artificial intelligence has grown exponentially for years now and there are is such unfathomable artificial intelligence out there that almost all of us can not even understand. But all this is possible because of the intelligence of humans. If singularity were to become a reality, it would greatly change civilization. Life for us will no longer be the same.
      I being of average intelligence would like to believe that the "smart" humans that are inventing and creating super artificial intelligence would include such things along with everything else that would always insure that we control and demand all actions taken by artificial intelligence making sure that singularity never happens. Then again I would have to assume the reason that a person or company would push for more and more levels of advancement in artificial intelligence would be for either the all mighty dollar or for recognition. That being said, if that were the case I suppose a person may continue with their pursuit even with the threat of singularity happening.  Maybe they assume it will not happen in their life time, so it doesn't matter. Basically I am just left wondering why would this happen if it is us doing it, and why would it not be stopped if it known that it may not be good for us??? Just like all other things above my intelligence level, I am sure there is just so much more I do not understand about this topic and the people involved.
       I still would like to believe there is nothing that compares to the human mind and there is not any artificial intelligence that could really surpass it. As far as I know computers or technologies can not choose things based on gut instincts, they can not over come difficulties based on drive and passion and they do not have compassion while making decisions. With out these and other human characteristics any sort of intelligence is just plain old lacking in its capabilities. Now if I am wrong and computers and programs are capable of doing these things....well then I know even way less than I originally thought and we are all in trouble.

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